The Casa Grande Young Professionals Network (YPN) is a Chamber initiative convening individuals under 40 years of age,
to connect and succeed through mentoring, development and relationship building.
Join us for networking, a brief professional development presentation and lunch.
"Live It!" Pinal County Government 101 - Pinal County Board of Supervisors
Brandon Gaylord, District Administrator, Pinal County District 3 Supervisor - Stephen Q. Miller
Lunch options: Cobb Salad | Italian Beef Sandwich | Individual (6'") Pizza with Side Salad
11:30-11:50am networking
11:50-12:10pm guest speaker
12:10pm-12:45 Lunch/tabletop networking
12:45 close, remind of next Young Professionals gathering date
Contact Renée at for more information about our Young Professionals Network!
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor